Apply for site plan approval
Site plan approval is required for most land development before a building permit is issued. For example, when there's a substantial change in land or building use or an increase in size.
On this page
- When to proceed directly to building permit application
- Learn about the Site Plan Review Committee
- View the site plan application process
- How to pay fees
- View municipal system alterations requirements
When to proceed directly to building permit application
In the City of Waterloo, most land development requires site plan approval before issuing a building permit. Site plan approval is not required for the following types of land development, construction, and site alteration:
- development on a parcel of land containing no more than 10 residential units and no other land uses
- education institutional development, as defined by the Site Plan Control By-law
- farm-related development, as defined by the Site Plan Control By-law
- extractive uses, as defined by the Site Plan Control By-law
- construction or alteration of a building or structure that does not substantially increase the size or usability of the building or site, as confirmed through consultation with the city’s Site Plan Review Committee
- site works not requiring a building permit, other than the laying out and establishment of a commercial parking lot or the locating of three or more trailers, as confirmed through consultation with the city’s Site Plan Review Committee
If a property has previously approved site plans and a site plan agreement registered on title, the Site Plan Review Committee must be consulted to confirm whether site plan approval is required for the proposed development, construction and/or site alteration.
Learn about the Site Plan Review Committee
The Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) reviews applications in accordance with the Site Plan Control Bylaw.
The committee consists of a team of city staff from different divisions, including planning, transportation services, engineering services, and building standards, and representatives from other applicable review agencies such as the Region of Waterloo, Enova Power, Grand River Conservation Authority, and Enbridge Gas.
The Director of Planning has delegated authority to grant final site plan approval.
Contact the Site Plan Coordinator, Jasmine Law by email at or by telephone at 519-886-1550 x78108
Contact the Committee Chairperson, Amanda Wyszynski by email at or by telephone at 519-886-1550 ext 78759.
Site plan application process
1. Determine if you need a Zoning Bylaw or Official Plan amendment |
2. Apply for site plan approval |
Application submission steps:
The following materials are required to be submitted unless you are told otherwise during a pre-consultation meeting or from the Site Plan Chair:
For developments 6 storeys or greater (3 storeys or greater in the Uptown area) also submit:
2025 application submission deadlines
3. Pay the application fee | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pay the application fee by mail, courier or in person. The fees are updated annually on September 1. The current fees are:
4. The SPRC will review your application and provide a formal position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Site Plan Coordinator will assess applications for completeness.
The SPRC will issue a Record of Site Plan Review to the applicant with detailed comments and the committee's formal position on the application. Formal positions may include Resubmission, Conditional Endorsement, or Full Endorsement. Engineering Services staff will advise on the acceptance of detailed engineering submissions, subject to functional acceptance of civil engineering plans and related information. Consider the following when preparing your submission:
5. Address outstanding matters and resubmit your application | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If the Record of Site Plan Review requires resubmission, it must be submitted digitally to Matters outlined in the Record of Site Plan Review must be resolved and/or responded to in the resubmission. If necessary, the Site Plan Coordinator will review and circulate the resubmitted site plans and supporting documents. The SPRC will issue another Record of Site Plan Review with a formal position on the resubmission. This step is repeated until the SPRC issues a conditional or full endorsement of the application. |
6. Site Plan Review Committee provides endorsement | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Upon receiving full endorsement from the SPRC, the Director of Planning conducts final review and approval. The Director may request modifications to the plans and/or additional information. |
7. Director of Planning grants approval | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If the Director requires no modifications, the plans receive a formal stamp of approval, which is typically conditional. |
8. Complete outstanding legal requirements | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This step is required if there are agreements (such as special servicing agreements), easements, or other legal requirements to be completed before registering the site plan agreement. At the Director of Planning's discretion, these may be completed after the plans are stamped. |
9. Site plan agreement is registered by the legal department | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the plans are stamped, all legal requirements are met, and the city accepts cost estimates for securities, the city will prepare a site plan agreement authorized by the Planning Act. The agreement is signed by an authorized representative of the City of Waterloo, property owner(s), and mortgagee(s) before being registered on the property title. The city will invoice the applicant or owner for all agreement preparation and registration costs. |
10. Final site plan approval is released | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Once the site plan agreement is registered on title, the Site Plan Coordinator notifies the applicant of the final release of site plan approval. Digital copies of the approved plans and registered site plan agreement are provided. After this step, before commencing any construction or site alteration, the applicant must obtain all necessary approvals and permits (such as final engineering approval, demolition control approval, demolition permit, and building permit) and pay applicable fees and securities (such as site plan/engineering securities, parkland cash-in-lieu, development charges). |
How to pay the application fees
The City of Waterloo accepts payment in person by debit, cash, or cheque.
Make cheques payable to The Corporation of the City of Waterloo. Include the site plan's property address on the envelope or cheque.
Submit payment by mail, courier or in person.
By mail to:
Waterloo City Centre (IPPW, Planning Division, second floor)
100 Regina St. S.
P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo
Waterloo ON, Canada, N2J 4A8
In-person or sent by courier to:
Waterloo City Centre (IPPW, Planning Division, second floor)
100 Regina St. S.
Waterloo ON, Canada, N2J 4P9
Municipal system alterations
Municipal systems alterations require a separate application. The process and forms to request an alteration are on the water utilities infrastructure page.