Tax billing and account changes

Find out when taxes are due and how to view and pay your bill. You can also send us a request to change the details of your tax account. 

Getting your bills online makes payment easy, convenient and lets you see all your previous bills.

Sign up or sign in for online tax account

On this page

  1. Sign up for online service
  2. Get your bill
  3. Pay your bill
  4. Tax due dates
  5. Billing types
  6. Tax account changes and fees
  7. Contact us

Sign up for online service

The City of Waterloo has an online service to:

  • view water and tax bills
  • pay water and tax bills
  • get bill notifications

Customers must opt-in to use the service. Paper bills will be sent by default.

To add multiple water and tax accounts to your profile:

  1. Sign up using a single account and email
  2. Once logged into the service, select 'Add Account' in top menu to add more accounts

If you already use our pre-authorized payment option it will continue as usual. 

Sign up for online service

Get your bill

Tax bills are issued based on the billing type. New accounts get paper bills in the mail by default.

Paper bills are automatically stopped when you sign up for our online billing service.

You can also use the service to get email notifications and reminders about your bills.

Sign up for online service

Pay your bill

You can pay your bill online in 2 ways:

1. Use our online service

You can pay through our online service using:

  • bank account details (no fee)
  • debit card (0.75% fee)
  • credit card (1.75% fee)

You can pay each time a bill is issued, or set up automatic payments.

If you already use our pre-authorized billing service it will continue as usual. 

Pay using our online service

2. Use online or telephone banking

Tax bills can be paid through most online or telephone banking services.

The payee name can vary. The most common are “City of Waterloo Taxes” and “Waterloo Ontario Taxes."

Other tips include:

  • use your 15-digit tax roll number as the account number
  • do not leave any spaces or decimal points between the numbers - such as 012345678910000
  • pay at least 3 business days in advance of the due date

Other ways to pay

Set up pre-authorized payments

Using this plan we automatically withdraw scheduled tax payments from your bank account. The deadline to apply for a current tax year is September 15. Full details are on the pre-authorized tax billing application form.

Download application form (PDF)

Completed form and void cheque can be submitted in person at the revenue counter or in the deposit boxes at city hall, by fax at 519-747-8760, by email to, or by mail to:

Revenue Services
City of Waterloo
100 Regina Street South
PO Box 337, Station Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8

To cancel a pre-authorized payment or change your banking information, download and submit a cancellation/change form (PDF).

Use cash, cheque or debit in person

During business hours visit the revenue counter at city hall or front desk at the Waterloo Service Centre. Cash, cheque and debit are accepted. Please bring your entire tax bill with you.

You can also drop off a payment at any time in a secure box at the William Street entrance of city hall. Only cheques payable to the City of Waterloo are accepted. Please do not use cash. Other tips if paying by this method:

  • Write your roll number on the back of your cheques

  • Include a payment stub from your bill

  • Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt

Send a cheque by mail

Write your tax roll number on the back of a cheque (payable to the City of Waterloo), include the bottom portion of your invoice and send to:

Revenue Services
City of Waterloo
100 Regina Street South
PO Box 337, Station Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt. Do not send cash.

Due dates

If you don’t submit taxes through a mortgage company, pay your own tax bill by the following due dates. 

Payment type Property Type First installment Second installment
2025 interim Residential/multi-residential/commercial March 3 2025 May 1 2025
2025 final Residential TBD TBD
2025 final Multi-residential/commercial TBD TBD

If you pay through your mortgage and receive a tax bill, please forward it to your mortgage company.

Billing types

Interim bills

Interim bills cover taxes due for the first six months of a year, paid in two instalments. Bills are mailed out in February with payments due in March and May.

Amounts are estimated based on 50 percent of the previous year's property taxes.

Final bills

Final bills cover taxes due for the last six months of a year, paid in two instalments. Bills are mailed out in June, with payments due in July and September.

Final bills are calculated using the current year's assessment and tax rate, less your interim bill.

Supplementary and omitted tax bills (for newly built or renovated homes)

Supplementary and omitted tax bills are issued throughout the year to owners of newly built or significantly altered properties.

To determine what property 'change events' may trigger new tax bills, visit the the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) website.

Billing process 
  1. You will receive a Property Assessment Change Notice from MPAC with the supplementary and/or omitted assessment value.
  2. A supplementary/omitted tax bill(s) will be issued by the city. The effective dates on the bill could be from date of occupancy or date of purchase.
  3. Bills are calculated by multiplying the supplementary and/or omitted assessment value by the tax rate for the applicable tax year.
  4. If you own a new property, the first regular tax bill you receive from the city may only be for the portion relating to land value. You should expect a supplementary and/or omitted bill for the structure to follow.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the City of Waterloo tax office has up to date mailing information.

Paying your bill

If your mortgage payment includes taxes, please forward the supplementary bill to your mortgage company.

If you are currently enrolled for pre-authorized payments, supplementary and/or omitted tax bills will not be paid from your financial institution account. Payment for supplementary bills may be made by online or mobile banking, by mail, or in person and must be received by the due date.

If you receive supplementary/omitted tax bills and you did not own the home during this time, please forward the bills to your lawyer to arrange for payment.

Tax account changes and fees

If a property owner moves, sells a property, or dies, account changes may be necessary.

Change of address

To have property tax bills sent to a different address, download a notice of mailing address change form (PDF). 

Completed forms can be submitted by fax at 519-747-8760, by email to, or by mail to:

Revenue Services
City of Waterloo
100 Regina Street South
PO Box 337, Station Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8

Failure to redirect your tax bills or advise of a change in mailing address, could result in a penalty and interest charges of 1.25% per month on overdue tax accounts.

Change of ownership

To change ownership information on a property, follow the document submission requirements based on the reason for the change:
  • death of a spouse or other registered owner: copy of registered document (i.e. survivorship application) transferring title, as provided by your lawyer

  • property conveyed by court order in divorce or civil action: copy of registered document transferring title, as provided by your lawyer

  • name change (personal): copy of a registered document changing name and a copy of the registered document transferring title in your new name as provided by your lawyer
  • addition of property owner(s): copy of registered document transferring title, as provided by your lawyer
  • purchased property: copy of registered Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, or other registered document transferring title, as provided by your lawyer
  • legal name change (corporate): copy of updated Corporate Profile or registered Articles of Amendment

The information can be submitted by:

City of Waterloo Revenue Services
100 Regina Street South
PO Box 337, Station Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8


The following fees are associated with property tax services:

Services and fees
  • Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Charge - $38.00
  • Add arrears to tax account fee - $38.00
  • Tax bill reprint (first reprint free for current year) - $5.00
  • Statement of Account for Owner of Property - $8.00
  • Statement of Account for Owner of Property - detail (current and two prior years) - $21.00
  • Tax payment confirmation letter (per year) - $28.00
  • Tax payment confirmation letter for mortgage companies (per year) - $28.00
  • Tax certificate fee - $89.00
  • Title search fee - $33.00
  • Execution of extension agreement - $647.00
  • Refund of Payment processing fee - $28.00
  • Transfer of Payment (between accounts - first one free) - $15.00

Contact us

For questions about your account, call us Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 519-747-8718 or email us at