Bylaw directory
These bylaws are digital reproductions of the official legal documents. They are intended for information purposes only.
For any questions related to this bylaw contact 519-747-8785 or
The Region of Waterloo's bylaws are also in force in the City of Waterloo.
A | B | C | D | F | G | H | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | W | Z
Adequate heat bylaw
- regulates the suitable indoor temperature in rental units
- provides enforcement and possible charges applied in the event of noncompliance
Animal control bylaw
- regulates the keeping of animals on private property and notes the conditions under which each type of animal must be kept
- outlines steps that can be taken to relieve animals in distress
Anti-idling bylaw
- regulates and provides applicable provisions and exceptions of the idling of vehicles
- states enforcement or non-compliance can result in discontinue of activity and the application of charges or fines
Apportion the cost of divisional fences bylaw
- regulates the responsibilities and restrictions of modifying divisional fences
- provides information on fence construction, replacement, and repair in the event of adjoining ownership
Backflow prevention bylaw
- ensures safety of public water supply by regulating the backflow of water
- outlines backflow permits and installation of backflow prevention devices
Building bylaw
- provides information regarding different types of building permits, the process for permit application and the notice requirements for inspection
- includes the code of conduct for building officials and enforcement guidelines
Business licence bylaw
- states which businesses operating require a license and how to obtain one
- visit our business licence page to apply for a licence
City tree protection bylaw
- provides information regarding the protection and maintenance of city trees
- visit our trees page for additional forestry services
City parking bylaw
- establishes when and where you can park in the city
- lays out penalties for parking without consent such as impounding of the vehicle and applicable fees
Dangerous dog bylaw
- defines what dogs breeds are restricted or deemed dangerous and how to get a license for one
- outlines safety procedures for dogs that have been designated as dangerous
Delegate authority bylaw
Defines who has the authority to execute official documents for the City of Waterloo.
Demolition control bylaw
Controls demolition within the City of Waterloo in specified areas.
Development charges bylaw
Provides information regarding different development charges, the calculation of charges and penalties for noncompliance.
Disabled parking bylaw
- prohibits the parking of vehicles in designated disabled parking areas
- describes noncompliance penalties such as fees and charges or impounding of the vehicle
Fees and charges bylaw
- 2024-2026 rates (approved December 11 2023)
- outlines all common fees and charges for city services
Fence and enclosure bylaw
- regulates the building requirements for fences based on property or yard type
- visit our fence and enclosure page for additional fence services
Firearms bylaw
Prohibits the discharge of firearms within the City of Waterloo.
Fire safety box bylaw
- regulates the use of fire safety boxes within the City of Waterloo
- visit our public education page to learn more about implementing our firebox rules
Fireworks bylaw
- regulates the sale, authorization and use of low hazard fireworks on specific dates
- the Canadian National Fireworks Association has safety tips for individual fireworks use
Fire route bylaw
Grants authority to the city to establish fire route locations and ensure compliance through enforcement.
Graffiti bylaw
Establishes graffiti as a public nuisance and prohibits unauthorised graffiti on property.
General administrative penalty bylaw
Establishes an administrative penalty system for bylaw violations within the City of Waterloo.
Highways and boulevards bylaw
Regulates the construction, maintenance and protection of highways and boulevards within the City of Waterloo.
Lot maintenance bylaw
- regulates the basic standards for maintenance and aesthetics of the exterior portion of a property in the city
- sets out grass cutting, garbage, wood storage, weed control and material disposal standards
Lottery sales bylaw
- the city works with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to regulate lottery licenses
- ensures sales meet Criminal Code of Canada requirements and enforces the Gaming Control Act
Municipal parks regulation bylaw
- regulates the treatment and use of public municipal parks within the City
- provides information regarding obtaining permits for prohibited uses
Noise bylaw
- provides the general limitations of sound levels and sets out a minimum standard for noise and vibrations
- visit our noise page to make a noise complaint or apply for a bylaw exemption
Open air fire bylaw
- regulates the time and setting open air fires are permitted
- non-compliance can result in an officer issuing an order to discontinue the activity or a Provincial Offences Notice where charges are laid and fines imposed
Parking administrative monetary penalty system bylaw
Enacts a parking administrative monetary penalty system within the City of Waterloo.
Parking in yards bylaw
- prohibits parking on organic matter (lawns or otherwise) in front and back yards
- non-compliance can result in an order to discontinue the activity or a Provincial Offences Notice where charges are laid and fines imposed
Parking on private property bylaw
- regulates parking in private spaces such as businesses or commercial properties
- non-compliance can result in fines or vehicle impounding
Parkland dedication bylaw
Provides information regarding development or redevelopment of land occurring in the city, the conveyance of land for parks or other public recreational purposes.
Pool enclosure bylaw
- regulates minimum building requirements for a safety enclosure around a swimming pool
- visit our pool enclosures page to apply for a permit
Procedure bylaw
Regulates the calling, place and proceedings of meetings of the council and its committees.
Property standards bylaw
- defines standards for maintaining a property in the City of Waterloo
- property owners must maintain the property and dwellings in a state of good repair, including stair railings, plumbing, electrical, fences, foundations, walls, windows and roofs
- if the owner does not comply we may conduct work to gain compliance at the owner’s expense
Public nuisance bylaw
Regulates public nuisances or public situations that could health hazards such as:
- foul odours in public places
- excessive smoke, dust or airborne particulate matter in public places
- spitting, vomiting, urinating or defecating in public places
- dumping or littering in public places
- blocking the passage of a pedestrian on a highway or on public property
Purchasing bylaw
- regulates how the city procures goods and service
- ensures consistency and fairness amongst bidders during the procurement process
- visit our bids and tenders page for additional purchasing services
Regulate parking bylaw
Establishes certain municipal parking lots in the City and provides information regarding the use of them.
Residential rental licencing bylaw
- provides rental housing requirements and guarantees property owners have insurance, functioning HVAC, electrical safety check, fire inspections and zoning compliance
- visit our residential rental licence page to apply for a licence
Sanitary and storm water services bylaw
- protects the city’s water supply by outlining when city staff can enter a land where it supplies a sanitary or stormwater to perform work
- outlines when city staff can shut off the supply of public water if fees and charges are overdue
Securing vacant buildings bylaw
Regulates securing vacant buildings in the City of Waterloo.
Screen and hearing officer bylaw
Enacts the appointment and jurisdiction of screening and hearing officers within the City of Waterloo.
Signs bylaw
- regulates where and what type of signs can be placed in public areas
- visit our signage page to apply for a sign permit or variance
Site alteration bylaw
Regulates the alteration of sites including the placing of fill, removal of topsoil and overall alteration of the grade of lands.
Site plan control bylaw
Delegates councils site plan control power to the director of planning approvals.
Snow removal bylaw
- delegates snow removal responsibility on private property and outlines the process for compliance and enforcement
- visit our snow removal page to report an unsafe private sidewalk
Traffic and parking bylaw
- regulates where you can park, stop and drive on roads in Waterloo
overnight parking on city streets and lots in prohibited from 2:30 to 6:00 a.m.
- visit our parking page to apply for an overnight parking permit
Water use bylaw
Outlines city responsibility for water use, access and maintenance in relation to the Municipal Act.
Zoning bylaw
The zoning bylaw controls land development and how it's used.