Traditional casket burials
Find options for traditional casket burials, including lots, locations, monuments and pricing. Traditional lots can accommodate both caskets and cremation interments.
On this page
Burial lot options
Casket burial lots are available at Parkview Cemetery and Mount Hope Cemetery. Most lots permit casket and 6 cremations per grave.
Options include:
- single grave lots (1 casket, 6 cremations)
- double grave lots (2 caskets side by side, 12 cremations)
- three grave lots (3 caskets, 18 cremations)
- four graves lots (4 caskets, 24 cremations)
- estate lots (up to 6 caskets)
When you buy a lot you receive the 'interment right' to be buried that area.
The "Interment Rights Holder" is designated by the purchaser and may be themselves and/or someone else. The City of Waterloo retains ownership of the property.
Burial lot locations
Download a map of Parkview Cemetery (PDF) or a map of Mount Hope Cemetery (PDF) to find out where burial lots are located.
Some areas at Parkview are designated for different groups. These include areas for:
- children
- veterans
- Muslims
- Roman Catholics
Availability and pricing varies depending on location.
Monuments and markers
Monuments and/or markers can be installed depending on what is allowed for that type of lot. Options include:
- upright monuments - over 12 inches tall
- 'pillow' monuments - up to 12 inches tall
- lawn-level markers - flat with the grass
Monuments and markers made of granite can be purchased from a memorial company. Bronze lawn-level markers can be purchased at the cemetery.
Common costs for casket burials include:
- the burial lot
- interment fees
- a marker or monument
- installation and maintenance fees
There are many options for these different items based on the size and location of the burial lot and other factors.
Download the full price list or contact our staff below to review your options.
Contact us
Call 519-725-9280 during business hours or email
We are in the office:
- Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Our office is located at Parkview Cemetery at 335 University Avenue East.