Cultural heritage

Find out how we protect and conserve historic buildings, landscapes and other features.

Learn how we share notices required by the Ontario Heritage Act.

On this page

  1. Find Ontario Heritage Act notices
  2. Find properties on our Municipal Heritage Register
  3. Learn about Municipal Heritage Committee
  4. Tour historic neighbourhoods
  5. Identifying our Cultural Heritage Landscapes
  6. Learn about altering designated heritage properties
  7. Contact heritage staff

Find Ontario Heritage Act notices

The Ontario Heritage Act requires we publicly share the following notices:

  • new properties designated as Heritage (under Part IV or Part V of the Act)
  • updates to properties on the Municipal Heritage Register

City council has decided that posting these notices on our website meets these requirements. Property owners will also get direct notifications by email.

Notice of intention to designate a property (NOID)

When Council plans to designate properties as having cultural heritage value or interest, they must issue a public notice called a Notice of Intention to Designate (NOID). This notice informs the public about the proposed designation.

Current notices
  • there are no notices at this time

Objections and withdrawals:

  • you have 30 days from the notice's publication to raise any objections 
  • if Council decides to withdraw a notice (NOID), we'll update this page with that information

Designation By-law notices

When Council passes a bylaw to designate a property under the Act they must issue a public notice.

Current notices
  • there are no notices at this time

Appealing a designation

If a bylaw is passed to designate a property, you have 30 days from the notice's publication to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Other notices under the Ontario Heritage Act

Public notices are also required for amendments or repeals of designation bylaws for individual heritage properties (Part IV) or heritage conservation districts (Part V). 

Current notices
  • there are no notices at this time

Municipal Heritage Register

Find properties with cultural heritage value on the Waterloo Municipal Heritage Register.

Download the heritage register (PDF)

Waterloo heritage plaque that appears on heritage homes

Designated properties

Our community values these properties for their architectural, historic and contextual significance. Look for plaques near the front doors of the 41 designated properties in our city.

Download a zip file of all heritage property profiles to learn more about each designated property.

Municipal Heritage Register review for Bill 23

We are reviewing properties for potential heritage designation due to changes made by the province. Visit Engage Waterloo for more information and to subscribe for updates.

Municipal Heritage Committee

This committee advises Council on conserving and protecting public and private cultural heritage resources in our city. Learn more about the committee.

Tour historic neighbourhoods

The city has one heritage district, containing over 100 properties, in the McGregor-Albert area. View a map of the area. The McGregor-Albert Conservation Heritage District Plan (PDF) outlines policies and guidelines to manage change in the neighbourhood.

Take an online walking tour through historic neighbourhoods

Two walking tours are available to view heritage properties in Waterloo's oldest neighbourhoods. Follow along on your mobile phone as you walk Waterloo history with these interactive maps:

Identifying our Cultural Heritage Landscapes

A Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL) is an area of significance that has been modified by human activities and is valued by a community. It involves groupings of heritage resources, such as buildings or natural features, that tell a story about where we come from and who we are.

The city studied CHLs in Waterloo from 2018 to 2019, resulting in an inventory of 27 significant landscapes. Visit our studies page to download the full inventory and learn more.

Learn about altering designated heritage properties

Visit our heritage alterations page for information on altering designated heritage properties. 

Contact heritage staff

If you have questions about a notice or heritage property, contact us at or 519-747-8546.