Solar panels

Building permits are required for any solar panel installations that are:

  • more than 5 sq.m (54 sq.ft) in total area and installed on a building, or
  • designed to provide hot water, or
  • designed to provide primary or supplementary heating

Permits are not required for ground mounted solar panel systems that are not connected to water or heating sources.

On this page

  1. How to submit an application
  2. Requirements to submit a building permit application
  3. Fee and timelines
  4. Plan and book inspections
  5. Electrical permits

How to submit an application

Prior to submission, ensure that all necessary and applicable permissions and approvals are met.

A complete application must be submitted with all the required forms, documents and applicable drawings. Building permit fees (see below) are required at the time of submission. 

Visit the building permits page to submit your application. For information about requirements for a solar panel permit application, read below.

Requirements to submit a building permit application

The permit application form, Schedule 1 and Commitment to Review are required for a permit application along with drawings as stated in the requirements. View and download the form (PDF).

Designer qualifications 

Qualified individuals who may take design responsibility include:

  • a professional engineer must design and perform a field review of a solar panel system installation on a roof constructed of engineered trusses
  • a BCIN designer qualified in structural or professional engineer must design and perform a field review of a solar panel system installation on a conventional framed roof
  • a professional engineer must design and perform a field review of a solar panel system installation on a large building as defined by the Ontario Building Code

Drawings and documentation

Drawings you submit must be drawn to scale (example 1/4 inch = 1 foot) and include the following items.

For a single detached, semi-detached, townhomes the drawings required are: 

  • roof plan showing roof framing and location/dimensions of the panels and the rack connection location 
  • a section detail showing connection of the panels to the roof system 
  • mechanical drawings where connection to HVAC or water is proposed 
  • roof loading calculations stamped by the engineer or registered BCIN designer including any structural upgrades as required 
  • manufacturer data for the proposed product 

For all other building types not listed above the following drawings are required: 

  • roof plan showing roof framing and location/dimensions of the panels and the rack connection location 
  • a section detail showing connection of the panels to the roof system 
  • electrical drawings 
  • mechanical drawings where connection to HVAC or water is proposed 
  • roof loading calculations stamped by the engineer including any structural upgrades as required 
  • manufacturer data for the proposed product 

Fees and timelines

Panel type Fee
System on house or small buildings connected only to electricity $118.00
System on small buildings connected to plumbing or heating $236.00
System on large buildings connected to electricity, plumbing or heating $393.00

The typical timeframe to review solar installations to a small building is 10 business days. Solar installations for large buildings are subject to the timelines for their specific building type. Timelines for reviews are processed within the timeframes mandated by the Ontario Building Code and are based on project type.

Plan and book inspections 

Once your building permit has been issued you may have the following inspections.

Typical inspections include:

  • commencement of construction 
  • plumbing rough-in (where connected to water) 
  • final building inspection 

Note: Approved drawings must be available on site for all inspections. 

Review your issued permit card for a list of applicable inspections. 

Call the small building inspection line at 519-747-6120 to book your inspections.  

Electrical permits

The Electrical Safety Authority handles electrical permits.